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RAGS TO RICHES | Create Your Tax Plan in 4 Easy Steps

It’s that time of the year - summer is here, the heat is sweltering and we’re just a month into the new financial year! Which is a great time for getting a headstart to nailing it at #TaxSeason next year.

This time’s Rags to Riches is all about taxes - what they are, why they are and how can we put together a plan to help us get the biggest bang for our buck come tax season.

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The Special Mention List: Part 1

Year-end lists are meant to come out around the new year, but this month does mark a year since lockdown restrictions were lifted in April 2022, after the second wave. That is as good a reason as any to take time out to acknowledge performances from plays that displayed the gumption to spearhead the return to theatres in an uncertain year. Our resident theatre analyst Vikram Phukan calls it the Special Mention List (which we will present in two parts consisting of 8 performers each), and he has been compiling these since 2012.

While this is in no way an exhaustive account of performance in India nor is it any kind of top-of-the-pops, we do hope it reminds us all to tell more stories and go to the theatre more often.

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Unbearable Longing: How one organization is helping Indians Heal through Intimacy

Amidst a global epidemic of loneliness, running an organization focused on intimacy and relationships seems almost like a righteous rebellion.

So we offer this write-up on The Intimacy Curator and Aili Seghetti to help all our readers explore what it means to discover yourself through lust, longing and letting go. Read on to know more about counselling and coaching services you can access, events and workshops as well as some insights into consent, open marriages, kink, selfcare and more.

Details on how to book sessions included.

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RAGS TO RICHES | The Five True Stages of a Sabbatical

The post-lockdown years have been characterized by a rather singular economic trend - The Great Resignation - where employees (most of them millennials) have voluntarily quit their day jobs. While late-stage capitalism is to blame, the immediate symptom that most of us exhibited was burn-out.

In this month’s Rag’s to Riches, Ragini chronicles her journey there and back again, as she stepped away from being gainfully employed to well, just being. And much like everything she does, this move too was carefully planned. So after a year of planning it and another half year that she spent serving her notice period (apparently that was not just a formality in her contract), Ragini was set to go out and sabbatical, because she knew exactly what that meant.

If only…

Based on Ragini’s very true experience, here is what a sabbatical really is. In five stages.

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The Art of Absurdity: Resurgence of Dadaism through Gen-Z memes.

Digital natives today are being flooded by unnatural amounts of information and content at a rate and quality that has never been seen before. You can find content and information on the nichest of subjects, particularly visual content, and our ability to understand and decode images has increased manifold. In this sea of visual content, memes, particularly Gen-Z memes, occupy a special trench of their own.

Gen-Z memes are infamous for seeming like they have little to no meaning, and look terrible. Unlike most memes, they don’t attempt to be directly funny, and the images and texts often have no connection to each other. All in all, absurd. These characteristics might sound similar to those of dada artwork, from the Dadaist Movement of the early 20th century. Read on as Sakshi Sadashiv explores the cultural and contextual elements that led to each movement, and draw interesting parallels between the two.

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SPOTLIGHT | A Film Studio making Civics Entertaining and Accessible

Cinema is more than just a part of our cultural identity. It shapes and informs our understanding of the world, thereby shaping and empowering our ability to change the world we live in. This month we shine the Spotlight on a film production studio that hopes to leverage this very power of cinema to make it easier for us to practise our rights and duties.

So come along to know more about Civic Studios, founded in 2019 by Anushka Shah and find out how they are building a global community of creators and storytellers for social impact through media.

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SPOTLIGHT | Ukuleles and the Road (usually) Not Taken

February’s spotlight features Ukulele with Luv, an initiative by Pune-based musician and music teacher Luv Mahtani. What started out as a one-of-a-kind ukelele class five years ago has now evolved into an active community for people of all ages to bond over music and the joy of performance.

We bring you snippets from a conversation between Luv Mahtani and Sanjana Arun about the birth of Ukulele With Love, their collective experiences surrounding music, performing arts, and the experiences and nuances of teaching.

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RAGS TO RICHES | Credit Cards Aren’t Scary!

Credit cards can seem like a dream come true to some and a veritable minefield to others. This month Rags take you through the benefits and pitfalls of getting your very own credit card while breaking down the concepts of credit scores, interest rates and credit card debt. We also have a very useful checklist of things to do before you sign on the dotted line.

All this in a fun, easy-to-parse article full of memes to make your reaction to credit cards go from boo-hoo to boo-yeah!

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Indian Animation: A bubble that burst too soon?

For a lot of Indians, animation starts with manga series like Naruto and Shin Chan (admit it, you still watch it too) while it ends with American animation like Toy Story and Bojack Horseman. Animation from India isn't even a part of this conversation. Indian animation has had a long and (somewhat) illustrious journey through the years.

From the cult classic Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama to the forgettable Roadside Romeo, join journalist and traveller Aniket Singh Chauhan as he takes us on a journey through the illustrious highs and disastrous lows of the Indian animation industry.

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