RAGS TO RICHES | Personal Budgeting
Ragini, founder of ArtNowThus partners with Sakina and Husein Merchant, CAs and Investment Advisors who run Stash - a personal finance management practice with a focus on creators and freelancers to bring our very own finance section 'Rags to Riches’. Read on to gain some very personal insight into personal budgeting as well as some tips and advice to get you started your journey to financial freedom - starting with a coffee date with yourself!
SPOTLIGHT | LYMTless: Bags that keep up with You!
A dream of a bag from two intrepid entrepreneurs with a love of travel and a desire for minimalism and functionality. Get the story behind LYMT bags and get an exclusive gift from the founders specially for Probably Relevant Readers.
Podcasts: Community Recommendations
With over 2 million of them in circulation, podcasts are the way forward and we thought this warranted some recognition. So we reached out to the people we love, admire and have the immense pleasure of calling friends asking them to give us a podcast recommendation from some of their favourites. Our recommenders have really dug deep to give us recommendations that mean something to them or have caused a shift in the way they perceive the world. So the reasons to listen are all from their hearts.
So buckle up and let’s dive in!
Cultural Futurism: Possibilities, Probabilities and Potential
Cultural Futurism is a special interest of mine. And in this month's feature, I do a deep-dive into the world of sci-fi, speculative fiction, cyberpunk and a bunch of related things through the lens of queer, indigenous, localized cultural futurisms. We discuss books, games, webtoons, art and so much more to understand how diverse people people and collectives use current understandings of sociopolitical realities to imagine what culture and human behaviour will look like - ten, twenty, hundred, even a thousand years into the future.
Just Playing Around: Play and the human experience
Play is an essential part of the human experience. No, this is not just my opinion or a universal platitude. It is something researchers have observed, catalogued and concluded over the years.
In this article, we track philosophies of play from the Upanishads, learn about an ancient ballgame from Mesoamerica, see how playgrounds evolved after WWII destroyed Europe and how parks were designed in Singapore to ease the sense of isolation for people moving to the city. This article is extra-special for the images sourced from our community of artists and creatives.
Read on to know more about the histories and philosophies of play and why they matter to us even today.
Equinox and the Art of Community
As a species, we have generally been fascinated by the sky and changes in weather. Equinoxes in a sense, they signify both beginnings and transitions. They kick off a time for congregating, sharing, joy-making, contemplation, honouring the ancestors. Magic. And of course, the coming together of people to prepare for times ahead.
Read on to find out about some unique ways in which people practice the art of community over the Spring Equinox.