Rags to Riches Art Now Thus Rags to Riches Art Now Thus

RAGS TO RICHES | The Five True Stages of a Sabbatical

The post-lockdown years have been characterized by a rather singular economic trend - The Great Resignation - where employees (most of them millennials) have voluntarily quit their day jobs. While late-stage capitalism is to blame, the immediate symptom that most of us exhibited was burn-out.

In this month’s Rag’s to Riches, Ragini chronicles her journey there and back again, as she stepped away from being gainfully employed to well, just being. And much like everything she does, this move too was carefully planned. So after a year of planning it and another half year that she spent serving her notice period (apparently that was not just a formality in her contract), Ragini was set to go out and sabbatical, because she knew exactly what that meant.

If only…

Based on Ragini’s very true experience, here is what a sabbatical really is. In five stages.

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