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RAGS TO RICHES | Covering That (Health) Coverage

Heath insurance on a freelancer’s lifestyle? You’ve got to be kidding me! But honestly, if we forego insurance, the joke’s really on us. So in this issue of Rags to Riches, Ragini takes us through the who, what, why and HOW of getting health insurance.

So take our hand and let’s cover that health coverage!

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RAGS TO RICHES | Moving House? We Got You Covered

In July 2023 Ragini found herself once again making her way back into the city of dreams - with all of its opportunities and all of its costs. So many costs!

Despite having done this rigmarole of moving house every couple of years often enough, Ragini found she wasn’t ready for anything other than the most basic costs of renting and moving.

So what better way to deal with all the surprises that to write down a comprehensive breakdown of her move in ₹ for all of us? So here’s Ragini’s lowdown on what was planned and what she actually spent and what to expect when moving home!

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RAGS TO RICHES | Finding the CA of your Dreams

We did a celebratory jig to welcome tax season earlier this month, giving you a step-by-step to get going on your tax plan. But “Speak to your CA” was the holy grail of Ragini’s tax advice.

Which inevitably led to some of you asking, “How do I go about finding the right CA?”

This article-ette right here should hopefully help you with that.

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RAGS TO RICHES | Create Your Tax Plan in 4 Easy Steps

It’s that time of the year - summer is here, the heat is sweltering and we’re just a month into the new financial year! Which is a great time for getting a headstart to nailing it at #TaxSeason next year.

This time’s Rags to Riches is all about taxes - what they are, why they are and how can we put together a plan to help us get the biggest bang for our buck come tax season.

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RAGS TO RICHES | Credit Cards Aren’t Scary!

Credit cards can seem like a dream come true to some and a veritable minefield to others. This month Rags take you through the benefits and pitfalls of getting your very own credit card while breaking down the concepts of credit scores, interest rates and credit card debt. We also have a very useful checklist of things to do before you sign on the dotted line.

All this in a fun, easy-to-parse article full of memes to make your reaction to credit cards go from boo-hoo to boo-yeah!

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RAGS TO RICHES | Invest Like a Beginner! (Part 2)

We are back with the second part of our Invest Like A Beginner series, where things now get sexier and so much more fun! This time Ragini takes you through the story of the beginner and the stock market - a push-pull romance for the ages.

In the previous edition, we talked about investing in Fixed Deposits and how it was a great place to get started at. But as safe as FDs are, in most cases they yield lower returns on your money than investing it in the stock market. And one of the biggest reasons to invest your money is to generate wealth.

And so the easiest place to start going a little bit bigger is the stock market! This month Ragini breaks down some stock market concepts and gives you some tips for getting started from her own experience.

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RAGS TO RICHES | Invest Like a Beginner! (Part 1)

If you’ve been following along, so far we have covered Personal Budgeting and Creating a Savings Plan. This month we take on Investments. This is the first in a 3-part series.

Breaking down investments in a way that a person with no financial background can understand is a tough ask. But when the going gets tough, you get ArtNowThus!

Starting from the basic question: "Do I need to invest?" we break down the why’s and how’s of investing. We hope that this article gives you the confidence you need to take your first step down the yellow-brick road to investing like a pro without being overwhelmed.

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RAGS TO RICHES | Savings: A Gift from You to You

After tackling Personal Budgeting in our last issue, we are back this month to talk about Savings!

Living on our entire paycheck each month can work fine for some months, but only until unexpected expenses or bigger spending goals show up. The minute there’s an emergency or if one simply needs to buy a pair of noise-cancelling headphones in order to work when the neighbour’s renovating, we're immediately spending money we do not have.

As Ragini puts it, "So while present me is comfy, future me is almost definitely living above her means."

This is the problem that Rags to Riches column works to fix this month.

So read on to find out how to start saving so that Future You and Present You are both living joyful lives free of financial angst.

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